
here is herbert again from aboard MILANTO on her cruise to St.Lucia
I tricked you with my last blog - there is no 31st of nov! but here you loose any feeling for time and calender - sorry.
19 02 325 N, 45 04 860 W, only another 959nM till St.Lucia to go.
4 fish took the bait but we could not get them on board because of our speed. what a pity - i am so much looking forward to have some fresh fish again. it tasted so beautiful.
dolphines accompanied our boat for more than an hour, chasing the bow, app 20 of them. while I watched their joyful game, I had the the impression, that this is a perfect moment in life. sailing under the blue sky, in this cobalt blue ocean, watching the fins of the dolphines coming out of the water and diving in again in a perfect motion, two, three sometimes for of them at once. and short after that we saw the wahles - impressing - a huge whale jumping out of the water, his whole body in the air, and back again with a tremendous splash, whoooom. two more times we could see his enormous tail coming out, and then a last fountain blown up high in the air before he left. what an amazing and emotioning spectacle. Everything here seems to be so harmonic and in perfect order, a perfect world.
Finally we cought the famous tradewinds, pushing our spinaker to the west, not so strong but solid. during the day it's sunshine and watching the clouds change permanently their form, building houses, cities, animals, faces and then evapourate back into the blue sky, at night they build up to big black nasty-looking bastards and then they send us a short and warm rain. here I am, where our weather comes from, here our snow and rain is born, from here starts the well-known "atlantic-depression", characterising our climate at home.I very much hope, that whales and dolphins are not going to stop jumping and chasing the waves - this would comfort me.
best regards from all of us to all of you