
So close now! Less than 8 hours............

Speed: 7.6 knots @ 266.56°

Position at: 10 Dec 2014 00:00 UTC

Lat/Lon: 13° 58.80 N, 059° 58.06 W

DTF: 59.1 NM  Estimated arrival 07.55 UTC  Dec 10th

Distance (last 24hrs): 178 NM

7th in All Racing Division

35th in All boats

5th in Racing B

It will be dark still in the Caribbean so time to get some rest before the friends on board Monomotapa and everyone on  Milanto party tomorrow evening. What a great way to end a fabulous trip. Congratulations to all on board both yachts!

A big thank you to all who followed us across the Atlantic and also to the team at World Cruising for another great ARC Rally.

Delayed! Now 10:30 on Monday 24th November.

So first of all they wanted us to leave in the afternoon  and then it was decided, quite sensibly, that there was no point leaving  two hours before sundown with winds gusting [even if the boats could have managed to get out of the marina]. As it was some have had their hull paint chipped, having been pushing against the mooring last night. 

Still sunny but winds gusting........

Still sunny but winds gusting........

Check out the palm trees.

Check out the palm trees.

So we might just as well go out to eat!

So we might just as well go out to eat!

The night before

Milanto will be leaving tomorrow , Sunday, at  12:45  start2: Racing Division

Last night, crews were given a final send off by the Tourist Board of Gran Canaria at the Farewell Party held at Club Tao. Crews enjoyed drinks and music and were wished fair winds for their crossing by our hosts in Gran Canaria. At the end of the evening, the sky was ablaze with a stunning fireworks display. 

Weather has been playing up -chilly and rain every afternoon.

The team went out for a final supper without the table moving around!

The team went out for a final supper without the table moving around!

photo 3.JPG

There's just 24 hours to go until the start of ARC 2014. Today is all about last minute checks, making sure there are plenty of provisions on board and perhaps a chance to have a quiet crew dinner before the start tomorrow. 

It’s been a busy two weeks here in Las Palmas with seminars, social activities, guided excursions, safety checks, helping over 1000 crew members that will sail with this years edition of the ARC feel ready and relaxed for the crossing ahead. Skippers have been ensuring their boat is fully prepared, safety equipment checks have been carried out, crew are briefed and provisions are stored on board for the 2,700 nm crossing to Saint Lucia. 

It’s also been a hectic social whirl each evening, with plenty of ARC parties and occasions for crews to get to know each other and to also attend the informative and popular seminar programme. Many agree that it is time to head out to sea again and the lure of the Caribbean calls!