We slipped our lines at 1030 to head out to the start line. What a great feeling we are finally to begin our adventure. There is a big crowd lining the marina, brass bands playing and hooters blowing to send us on our way. We slipped out of Las Palmas marina and out to the ocean. 250 boats emerged like ants from the marina all heading to the start line where the start boat a Spanish Navy Frigate was acting as Committee boat. We hoisted the sails and started to manouver into position. Vale is an old hand at this and got us perfectly positioned at the windward end of the start line with seconds to go and then we were OFF ! What a start we must have been 1st or 2nd over the line and could see all the out and out racers jockying for position. Bit of a scrap going on for best position but too late we already had it ! Lovely wind and sun to start our adventure but that soon changed when we sailed in to a big wind shadow and were becalmed for about 30mins with most of the fleet. Again Vale's experience got us away from trouble before most of the fleet. Next to be served up by the elements was a squall with rain and gusting winds of 25 knots. When this dropped we sailed in 15 knots of easterly breeze and sunshine accompanied by a 4 masted schooner until sun down at 6.10pm. No sundowner today as we were all quite exhausted from the start of the ARC, but as a special treat the ARC served up a visit to our boat by a pod of Dolphins. They took a quick look at us and then dived into the depths.Gianni rustled up a nice dinner for us and then we settled into our watch routines. The night shift was uneventful as the wind fell away to nothing for about 3 hours. Our first day and we have already experienced most conditions we will incur on route other than really strong winds.By the time 24 hours had lapsed we had 154 miles under our belt and had started to mesh as a crew and gain some sea legs.
Leaving the port at Las Palmas
Not great weather but off to a good start.