Day 2 Nov 25th

By day break the land has slipped out of view behind us and its next stop St Lucia just 2,546 miles to go ! Quite spooky to think that we are now in the Atlantic and will not see land again for circa 17 days.The day started with 15 to 20 knots of wind, a little overcast and a following sea. Milanto was sailing nicely at 8 knots. As the day moved along the wave size increased and we had some periods with gusty conditions where sail changes were required. We are starting to get to know this boat and how she and we can work together. Lots still to learn mind but thats why we are here. Very few yachts in sight now as the fleet begins to stretch out over the face of the ocean. Gianni prepared a nice salad for us at lunchtime and when complemented about it advised us that it could become standard rations as the oven is broken. Little does he know we have chief engineer and fiddler on board, Mr English is on the case as we speak. Rounded the day off with our first sundowner a glass of Spanish Rioja. Let the log record that we have 2,546 miles yet to be covered and 34 bottles of wine at hand. Quarter master Wild will skilfully eke this out to ensure provisions last the duration, unless he decides we party big time at the mid ocean point which is a distinct possibility.


