Proud fishermen
What fish is this?
Vale & Carla
A Squall on the horizon
Proud fishermen
What fish is this?
Vale & Carla
A Squall on the horizon
buongiorno after the morning routine of cleaning and maintenance of the various pumps and filters x the soft water sustems, coffees, teas and various breakfasts everyone lay down on the deck to enjoy the sun and the wind , which thank goodness is continuing meaning that we are travelling fast towards St Lucia f. The spinnaker is resting, reaching with white sails and jazz music, The Tropics are like that, we have lunch and eat supper , change the lures on our fishing rods but not a fish in sight. Well , not quite we lost one around 15kgs. yesterday -we tried to get it on board for over an hour but finally the hook broke and it slipped back into the sea. What a pity! So as I said everyone around me looks like they are at the beach. half asleep or staring into space. A real detox! Herbert tells me that he has not even got the energy or the will to read -his brain has totally switched off..It will be hard to go back to an onland routine after this , We are getting close to having only 600 nm. to go circa .Despite the lack of fish the Michelin 3star food continues chicken curry , lasagne with pesto , pork with mustard, freshly cooked bread with nuts and seeds , fresh salads ,with splash of red or white wine. No complaints there
It's not easy even writing ,surrounded by sun, clouds and the Oceann and how this effects us. The greatest experience is being part of this giant 'kitchen' where all the ingredients change continually, the smell, the colour and the shape. It will certainly influence our life later back on land.
9 HOURS LATER......a day of 2 parts!This afternoon turned into the 'kitchen' form hell! Squlla that hit you with bolts of water so you cannot relax for a second,Our Austrian friends desperately wanted to catch a fish but no luck all morimmo and by the afternoon they were demoralised and gave up. However the then remembered that they had a present to open -it being St Niklaas today so the day when many N.European children open a present or two . Inside were 4 gingerbread biscuits in the shape of the saint. ,so as a joke I pretended to receive a Skype call from St Niklaas requesting a fish.and promised in return to mend his sack and any toys that were broken! About one hour later, as the sun was going down looks what we pulled on board. I have never caught one like this before. oooh whaoo !So I went down on my knees, in front of the remaining gingerbread figure and gave thanks!
The best present!
Speed: 7.8 knots @ 252.56°
Position at: 06 Dec 2014 20:00 UTC
Lat/Lon: 16° 37.77 N, 051° 0.54 W
DTF: 596.2 NM
Distance (last 24hrs): 184 NM
9th in All Racing Division
39th in All boats
6th in Racing B