
The famous sailing school at Caprera -not a dry eye!

All the young students came out to greet Milanto and lowered their sails as a sign of respect ! Luckily the blue ensign was up in time. Valerio and Lorenzo were stunned by the welcome and at 7pm  there will be a small celebration and a conference  for Save the Nerd. This is THE sailing school to send your kids to.

Check out the stunning website:



Centro Velico Caprera (CVC) is one of the oldest Italian sailing schools and also one of the largest of the Mediterranean sea. Since its foundation in 1967 it has been attended by over 100,000 students. The legal head office is located at La Maddalena and the base of operations is situated on the island of Caprera, on the Maddalena archipelago. CVC is a non-profit organisation and a member of the ISSA (International Sailing School Association).

June 4th Arriving in Ibiza

If you look carefully you can see Formentera and Ibiza

If you look carefully you can see Formentera and Ibiza

Scouting the horizon

Scouting the horizon

Getting close to Ibiza, this evening we'll be ancoring in the bay next to Ibiza marina -a real shame they no longer allow us to ancor there like one used to, nowadays its over €200 for the 'privilege! Our new good friends who joined us in Gibraltar are leaving  but a new Master of Nerdom is coming on board.Another Filippo, another nerd to be saved!

Tom Ledwidge took some very cool photos of a great day with the spinnaker flying:

June 2nd Leaving Gibraltar

photo 1.JPG
Looking towards Africa

Looking towards Africa

The Trafalgar Cemetery

The Trafalgar Cemetery

Sailing towards Gibraltar is no laughing matter -the wind really does need to be in the right direction so you have to admire another sailor who, getting the wind and tide on his side took the day at Trafalgar. Nelson knew his stuff. Once through the Tarifa headland you're inside and myths like the Odyssey and Hercules and intrepid sailors like the Phoenicians come to mind. Gibraltar is a giant natural limestone fortress  with a stytem of tunnels and gun batteries.If you walk to the top, out of the horrible town below you can see a magnificent view across the water towards Marocco. This narrow strip of water divides two continents and  two cultures.

An unexpected sight was the cemetery dedicated to the fallen from the Battle of Trafalgar 1805  - a mini version of Highgate Cemetery. Grave stones dedicated to men as young as 20; although on a historic note most fallen were buried at sea and the graves here were yellow fever casualties.

Save the nerd sbarca a Gibilterra: benvenuti laddove un mondo finisce e ne inizia un altro

Tappa sulla terraferma per l'equipaggio di Save the nerd. "Gibilterra, una vedetta su due mondi divisi dallo stretto, luogo di incontro. O di fuga verso l'ignoto"  to see the rest http://www.lanazione.it/pistoia/curiosita/2014/06/02/1073574-save_nerd_sbarca_gibilterra_benvenuti_laddove_mondo_finisce_inizia_altro.shtml

Thursday, May 29th

With the weather this vile what is there to say?  It's cold and drizzling so we are all locked downstairs and really keen to get there ASAP!  At least the wind means we are moving well towards our goal of Gibraltar ETA May 31st at dawn..............

Position at 10.45 UTC 36 19 N 11 53 W  apporx 300 Kn.miles to go 

The Rock looking East -

The Rock looking East -

Blue arrow marking Milanto's position at 10:45 so by tomorrow will be in the shipping lanes

Blue arrow marking Milanto's position at 10:45 so by tomorrow will be in the shipping lanes

10-15 knots of wind at her present position

10-15 knots of wind at her present position

Tuesday , May 27th

I have learnt that setting off again is really tough like on a hard day at work, when you are really tired and somwone asks you to do something.You know you have to, there is no choice but it is the last thing on earth you want to do! The sea has changed and the temperature is getting back to that of late Spring in Europe.  Rows of clouds all the way to the horizon. The weather however is not our friend as you can see from the photo.  Strong gusts are sending us flying towards Gibraltar on a metal coloured sea. Looking forward to the smell of the Mediterranean !

Position 36 36 N 18 31 W // Detox 65% // -610 MN.Miles